Eye Health Kansas City Do you schedule an annual comprehensive eye examination? Unfortunately, about half of American adults do not, which means that they are unaware of serious diseases and conditions that can rob their vision — sometimes permanently and completely.

The good news is that the eye doctors at Wiles Eye Center know how to treat eye disease in a way that can preserve your sight for the rest of your life. To ensure that you have healthy eyes that are continuing to function correctly, eye exams are pivotal. Here are a few of the problems that an eye exam can catch:

Refractive Errors

Imperfect vision is common, and your prescription can evolve over time. The only way to know what kind of lenses are most useful is with an eye exam that identifies refractive errors like farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia), astigmatism, and age-related presbyopia.


One of the most memorable components of an eye test is the tonometry — that is where a burst of air is blown into your eyes. This test has a serious purpose, in that it measures your ocular pressure. If the test indicates that you have elevated pressure in your eye, this is usually a sign that you have glaucoma or are at a significant risk of being diagnosed with the condition later in life.

Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common condition in which your central vision gradually deteriorates. Although there is no cure for AMD, it can be slowed dramatically with treatment. This makes diagnosis critical. A fundoscopic test, which is a part of a typical exam, checks the retina for signs of AMD. It also can help identify other retinal issues like a retinal tear, eye floaters, macular pucker, or retinitis pigmentosa.

Diabetes/Diabetic Retinopathy

Surprisingly, some patients first discover that they may have diabetes from an eye doctor rather than a primary care physician. That is because diabetic retinopathy is a common side effect of uncontrolled diabetes. Anyone who is diabetic needs to be regularly tested to see if the blood vessels in their eyes are damaged as this can cause irreversible vision loss. If you show signs of diabetic retinopathy, you will need to see a physician for a proper diagnosis.


In late stages, the symptoms of cataracts become much more obvious, but an eye exam — specifically the slit-lamp test, retinal tests, and visual acuity tests — can help to determine if you have cataracts early so that a doctor can regularly monitor them and decide when surgical treatment is appropriate.

Make An Appointment for an Eye Exam in Kansas City

If it’s been more than a year since your last eye exam, it’s time to have professionals ensure that your eyes are still in good health. To schedule an appointment, please call our Kansas City office at 816-455-2020 or our St. Joseph, MO office at 816-279-7015.

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