Spring approaches, which is great news! It means warmer weather, grilling, and lots of outdoor activities. It also means POLLEN and ALLERGIES. For contact lens wearers this great time of the year can become a terrible nuisance. Many contact lens wearers opt for wearing glasses during pollen season to avoid the itchy, watery, burning eyes that can be caused by pollen collecting on your contact lenses, but did you know that there are some easy steps that might help keep you wearing your contacts even through the allergy season? Take a look…

1. Switch to Daily Contact Lenses

These lenses are use once, and throw them away. The advantage of using “dailies” is that you have a fresh pair of contacts every morning and avoid any residual pollen build up that might have occurred.

2. Take an antihistamine

This can help with the itching in addition to sneezing and runny nose that comes with allergy season. One thing to keep in mind is that you should also use artificial tears while taking an antihistamine, antihistamines reduce the amount of natural tears your eyes produce.

3. For More Severe Allergies

Talk to your optometrist about prescription or over-the-counter eye drops that can help relieve your symptoms.

You should have an eye exam annually to asses the current health of your vision. This is also a great time to talk with your eye care provider about any concerns or issue you have with your contact lens prescription. With so many great options available in contact lenses there is a solution for almost everyone.

Need help finding the right pair of contact lenses or need to get your annual exam? Let the doctors and staff at Wiles Eye Center help! Make an Appointment Today!

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