Cataract exam in Kansas City

Cataracts are a prevalent eye condition marked by the clouding of the eye’s lens. They can cause blurred vision and difficulty seeing clearly.

While cataracts typically develop gradually over time, they can significantly impact your quality of life if left untreated. Understanding the symptoms of cataracts and the process of evaluation can help in the management of this condition. Read on as Dr. Stephen B. Wiles F.A.C.S. shares what you need to know about cataract exams.

Symptoms of Cataracts

Depending on how severe the problem is, cataract symptoms vary. The most typical ones are hazy or fuzzy vision, having trouble seeing in dim light, being more sensitive to light, experiencing glare, and seeing halos around lights, especially at night. In addition, some cataract patients report experiencing double vision in one eye and colors that look faded or yellowish.

If you’re experiencing similar symptoms, you need to meet with one of our eye care professionals immediately. Our experts can confirm whether cataracts are the primary cause of your vision problems.

How Long Does a Cataract Evaluation Take?

A cataract evaluation typically involves several steps and may vary in duration depending on individual circumstances.

The evaluation begins with a comprehensive eye examination conducted by one of our eye care specialists. This examination may include tests to assess visual acuity, eye pressure, and the health of parts of your eye like your retina and optic nerve. Our provider may dilate your pupils using eye drops. It will help them to get a clear view of your eye’s internal structures. This allows them to examine the lens and other parts of the eye more thoroughly.

Then our provider will discuss your symptoms, medical history, and any risk factors for cataracts. You need to provide accurate information to help guide this part of the evaluation process effectively.

Lastly, depending on the findings of the initial examination, we may suggest additional testing.

A cataract evaluation typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes. It can include time for dilating the pupils and any additional testing that your doctor has suggested.

Schedule Your Cataract Exam in Missouri

Early detection and treatment of cataracts can preserve your vision. It can also maintain overall eye health. If you’re experiencing symptoms of cataracts or have concerns about your vision, promptly call us at 816-455-2020 and book your appointment with Wiles Eye Center.

Take the first step toward clearer vision and improved quality of life by booking your cataract evaluation today.

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